
Clinical Trial Tech: Venture, Innovation & Partnering

Accelerating Innovation, Accessibility and Scale

February 12-13, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Monday, February 12

3:00 pm

Registration Open

3:20 pm

ClinEco: A Tool for Landscape Assessment and Emerging Players Research

Marina Filshtinsky, MD, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute; Co-Founder, ClinEco

Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute; Co-Founder, ClinEco

ClinEco serves as a market network and community for all stakeholders in clinical trials. The majority of the vendor base on ClinEco comprises smaller, innovative players. The company profiles on ClinEco are rich and serve as an excellent starting point for new innovative companies and technologies research. Conversely, ClinEco is a valuable resource for biotech companies in the early stages of their programs. We are perfectly positioned to educate their departments and facilitate partnerships for them.

3:25 pm


Jessica J. Federer, Board Member, Angelini Ventures

Shwen Gwee, Founder & Chief Disruptor, Health Disruptors Inc.

Andrew Hedin, Partner, Bessemer Venture Partners

Dan Hydes, CEO & Co-Founder, IgniteData

Ward Lemaire, Head of Data Management, Integrated Data Analytics & Reporting, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson

Clinical Trial Tech: Venture, Innovation & Partnering Conference connects investors to high-potential companies seeking funding. Join us to hear: Bloqcube * CliniSpan Health * Humine Labs * InSilicoTrials * OmniTrial. These companies will pitch to a panel of expert judges and the winner will be announced LIVE at the SCOPE Summit for Clinical Ops Executives on Monday, February 12, 2024.

4:30 pm

New WAZE to Improve Patient Experience and Accelerate Drug Development

Gil Bashe, Chair Global Health and Purpose, FINN Partners

Yael Elish, Founder & CEO, StuffThatWorks

Patient centricity has been on the tip of clinical research’s tongue for decades but never realized. Evolutionary approaches may not be the answer. But can a disruptive catalyst accelerate change? Among the key founders of WAZE, Yael Elish—an innovator who altered the course of the consumer navigation experience and sold the business to Google—turns her attention to a new challenge—harnessing real-world evidence to accelerate drug development and patient care. Hear how the “StuffthatWorks” founder taps the AI-based WAZE-like patient crowdsourcing platform to marshal insight to usher in a new age of accelerated research.

5:00 pm
Solving the Clinical Research Talent Shortage

Garrett Walker, Founder & CEO, Virb

This presentation will highlight the impact of the current clinical research talent shortage and what we can do as an industry to close the gap to accelerate time to productivity.

5:10 pm


Shwen Gwee, Founder & Chief Disruptor, Health Disruptors Inc.

5:20 pm

Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall

6:15 pm

Close of Day

Tuesday, February 13

8:00 am

Registration Open & Networking Breakfast

8:30 am

Co-Chair's Welcome Remarks

Jessica J. Federer, Board Member, Angelini Ventures

8:40 am
CO-PRESENTATION:Cultivating Creativity & Driving Growth: Establishing an Innovation Lab within Your Organization

Shawn Blackburn, President, YPrime Labs, YPrime

David Sjolin, Vice President, Machine Learning, YPrime

In the dynamic landscape of business, the pursuit of innovation has become a cornerstone for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. This discussion delves into the strategic imperative of establishing an Innovation Lab within existing organizations, offering insights into the key considerations, challenges, and transformative potential of cultivating a culture of creativity.

9:00 am

The Future of Clinical Trial Tech: Perspectives from Different Investors


Rana Lonnen, Managing Director, Novartis

Where are investors putting their investment what are the exciting technologies? Which technologies are priority for each investor type? What potential does generative AI have for the life sciences industry? How are investors viewing the market now that the IPO window seems to be opening up? How will the regulatory landscape evolve in the coming years? How can investors support their portfolio companies as they engage with pharma and other biotechs?


Andrew Hedin, Partner, Bessemer Venture Partners

Sunny Kumar, Partner, GSR Ventures

Brian Matesic, Principal, Norwest Venture Partners

Carrie Williams, Vice President & Partner, McKesson Ventures

9:40 am

What Are the Trends for Future Investment—And the Needs?


Ross A. Jaffe, MD, Co-Founder and Chairman, Faro Health; Managing Director Emeritus, Versant Ventures

Doubling the throughput of development, by driving efficiency in clinical trials. Investment is required to accelerate clinical trial innovation in a resource-constrained and conservative macroeconomic environment. The Great Resignation—a shortage of CRAs and study coordinators, technology to fill the gap. Meeting the challenge of trials in combination therapy—neuroscience, immunology, and beyond.


Bari Kowal, Senior Vice President & Head, Development Operations & Portfolio Management, Global Development, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Manu Nair, Chair, US Clinical Practice and High Value Opportunities, Corporate Development, Mayo Clinic

Shane Senior, CEO & Co-Founder, Crosstree Capital Partners Inc

Dave Stevenson, COO & Managing Director, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund

Joe O’Rourke, Head, Commercial Development, Walgreens Clinical Trials

10:20 am

Networking Coffee Break

10:45 am

Representative Data on the 30th Anniversary of the NIH Revitalization Act


Brigham Hyde, CEO, Atropos Health & Venture Partner, Audere Capital LLC, Atropos Health

Where are we today with inclusion in trials by gender and by color? How is the technology investment leading to a more equitable clinical trial space? How is increasing access to trials through DCT having an impact? Are investors prioritizing this? Is Generative AI helping make trials more inclusive? Real-world evidence—what is our ability to reach patients?


Arnon Horev, Co-Founder & CSO, QuantHealth

Peter Lafer, Principal, General Atlantic

Jennifer Levin Carter, CEO, Medzown

John R. Pavletic, Executive Director, Lilly Ventures

11:25 am

Overcoming Hurdles to Fundraising, Pilots, and Scaling


Blake Wu, Partner, Healthcare Team, New Enterprise Associates NEA

What is it like to be a Founder or CEO in 2023? What has changed over the past 12-24 months? What has it been like fundraising at this time? How has this process changed over the past year? Are there other/alternative approaches to fundraising that you have started to explore (e.g., debt, SBIR grants, etc.)? What experience do you want to share about working with venture capital investors?


Jodi Akin, Founding CEO, Hawthorne Effect, Inc.

Kaye Doiron, Founder, Research Works Inc.

Rohit Nambisan, CEO & Co-Founder, Lokavant

Ed Seguine, CEO, Elemental Machines

Sam Whitaker, Co-Founder & CEO, Mural Health

12:05 pm

Networking Lunch

1:00 pm

Co-Chair's Afternoon Remarks

Jessica J. Federer, Board Member, Angelini Ventures

1:05 pm
1-Click Patient Records for Trial Recruitment

Ardy Arianpour, CEO & Co-Founder, SEQSTER

This presentation will delve into the practical applications of streamlined access to medical records, shedding light on how this innovative approach can significantly enhance the efficiency of identifying and enrolling participants for clinical trials. Highlighting the practical implications and benefits of adopting advanced technologies in patient recruitment for medical trials, this session will address the challenges faced by traditional recruitment methods and how a simplified, one-click solution can offer a more seamless and effective process .

1:15 pm

Innovation and Investment in Preventing Data Redundancy in Clinical Trials


Mats Sundgren, PhD, Senior Industry Scientific Director, i-HD (European Institute for Innovation through Health Data)

Data redundancy between clinical research systems and EHR is burdensome in terms of costs and time. EHR-to-EDC tech, leveraging HL7 FHIR, enables the re-use of eSource—with the clear potential to solve this costly data challenge. How might investors capitalize on this innovation? Join discussions on investment strategies, collaborations, and entrepreneurial prospects. Explore the tech, its value propositions, success factors, and entrepreneurial insights shaping the future of clinical trials.


Dan Hydes, CEO & Co-Founder, IgniteData

Joe Lengfellner, Senior Director, Clinical Research Informatics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Qin Ye, Principal & Lead, Real World Evidence, ZS Associates, Inc.

1:40 pm

How Are Platforms Evolving, Bridging the Research and Care Chasm


Jennifer Byrne, CEO, Javara, Inc.

Advancing drug development by integrating care data and research data. What do the investments in care mean for research? As the ecosystem evolves to a more integrated tech-enabled approach, what does that mean for start-ups and investors moving forward?


Christopher Boone, PhD, Group Vice President, Research Services, Life Sciences, Oracle

Jeff Elton, CEO, ConcertAI

Jeremy P. Goldberg, Operating Partner, Healthcare, Arsenal Capital Partners

Sandeep Pulim, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, Koko Home

Jared Saul, MD, Global Head, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Amazon Web Services LLC

Jeremy Wyatt, CEO, ActiGraph


2:20 pm

Organizer's Welcome Remarks

Marina Filshtinsky, MD, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute; Co-Founder, ClinEco

Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute; Co-Founder, ClinEco

2:25 pm
Chairperson's Remarks

Jie Wu, PhD, Co-Founder & CDO, Segmed, Inc.

2:30 pm

Fireside Chat with FDA on Modernizing Clinical Trials


Ken Getz, Executive Director and Professor, Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, Tufts University School of Medicine

Prospectively randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are often the most powerful tool that we have for answering fundamental questions about the safety and efficacy of new medical products. But greater efficiency is needed, as clinical trials are becoming more costly and complex to administer. Moreover, many of the new products that we’re being asked to evaluate aren’t easily evaluated using these traditional approaches. At the same time, new technologies and sources of data and analysis make better approaches possible. FDA has been engaged in a comprehensive effort to advance new innovations and to enable the modernization of clinical trials, so what does this mean to you and to our industry? 


Kevin Bugin, PhD, Deputy Director, Operations, Office of New Drugs (OND), FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

Marsha Samson, PhD, Analyst, Office of Medical Policy, FDA

3:00 pm

Intersection of Innovative Development Models and Investment Approaches That Move the Needle at the Portfolio Level


Jacob LaPorte, PhD, Co-Founder, Prisma Therapeutics

New to SCOPE 2024—we bring together for the first time, a business-focused panel of strategics from the pharma, investor, healthcare, CRO, and technology start-up communities, to discuss partnership models that drive much needed innovation in clinical trials and impact development at the portfolio level. How can Pharma manage risks and investments while continuing to remain at the forefront of drug development, clinical research, and trial technology? Which alternative business models and risk-sharing partnerships can support innovation in a resource-constrained environment? Where are the opportunities and the ROI from such partnerships? Which emerging technologies are showing growth and investment and are moving the needle in clinical research?


Angela DeLuca, Vice President, Head of Oncology & Cell Therapies Clinical Operations, Global Development Office, R&D, Takeda

Michael Greeley, Co-Founder & General Partner, Healthcare Technology, Flare Capital Partners

Michelle Longmire, Co-Founder & CEO, Medable, Inc.

Sam Srivastava, CEO, WCG

3:30 pm

Booth Crawl & Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

4:30 pm

Close of Conference